Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Create A Subject Line Swipe File

You are probably aware that email marketing is the most powerful form of marketing online today.

Every top marketer uses email to deliver their message for one very good reason.

It is simply the most cost effective marketing method available on the Internet.

I know that you know that email marketing works, and is stronger than ever.

What you might not know is how much impact the subject line of your email has on the effectiveness of your message.

After all, you can go to great effort to write a compelling message, paying careful attention to all the nuances of paragraph length, just the right word here or there, and more.

But if your message is never opened all of that work is wasted!

So let's look at how you can get more of your email messages opened and read.

The key element here is the subject line

Almost everyone gets too much email or uses filters to reduce the amount they receive.

And almost everyone is busy, with too little time to do what he or she wants to do online.

This has created a generation of scanners. We scan 100 or 200 emails, looking for the ones that are worthy of our time, in about 10 minutes time.

And that's why YOUR subject line MUST shine if you want to compete and win.

If you think of your email as an ad then the subject line is the headline for that ad

We often hear copywriters say that the right headline can "increase sales up to 800%". While that's probably a bit hyped up, the right headline can have a huge impact on sales.

And so can the right subject line have a huge impact on your email open rate.

Rather that reinvent the wheel, we can create a subject-line-swap-file for use anytime we need it.

Here's how to do it in a few easy steps.

NOTE: A "swap file" is just a way to say a document that contains bits of copy that you will use later on. Many writers use swap files for headlines, the closing section of a web page and more.

Of course we should never copy anything some else writes word for word - but DO use subject lines you like for inspiration.

Choose What To Put In Your Swap File

Look for headlines that appeal to you.

If something appeals to you, the chances are it will appeal to others as well. These are the messages to keep.

Look for email that gets filtered into your "junk" folder.

You must avoid these like the plague! These emails are the ones not getting opened now.

Don't let yours become a victim of the filters too.

Separate These Emails Into A Special Folder

No need to clog up you inbox with these messages, so either copy them and put them in a text document or create a special folder just for them.

Creating a special folder is better since you will be able to sort them by sender or subject, which is the next step.

HOT TIP: I suggest my clients use an separate email address just for marketing messages. I suggest they receive personal email at one address and use a different address for joining lists.

This saves your time and makes sorting easier too.

Group Them By Type Of Product Or Sender

The key here is to look first for who sent the message.

If it's someone you know is successful online pay close attention to the subject line.

I can promise you that they did.

These are often the best subject lines from which to draw your inspiration.

It is often worth joining the list of top online marketers for this reason alone. Reading their emails is like a short course on email marketing!

Next, you want to read each message to see what it's about.

Then group the messages by the type of product being promoted.

Information products are promoted differently that Network Marketing which is different from real estate.

By grouping the messages you have a mini-swap file by the type of product you are promoting.

Pay Special Attention To Repeating Subject Lines

These are often the messages that have stood the test of time.

I have about five subject lines in my swap file from 2001. I still see these used today and can assure you that they would not still be sent if they did not work.

Now that you have created your swap file, it's time to do some marketing.

Pick your top selling product (or the one you want to sell) and find a subject line where the message is for a similar product.

Then rework that subject line until it retains the same meaning but is your own.

Of course, never use a subject line as you find it. The point here is not to take someone's work, but use that work as inspiration for your own work.

Now send out a selling message using your new subject line and see how it goes. If it's successful, copy it to a permanent file to be used again. If not, go on to the next or refine it and try again.

By always staying truthful in your subject lines, using proven concepts found in your subject line swap file, and being consistent in your efforts, you will see an increase in the profitability of your email marketing.

And that's a beautiful thing indeed.

Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Don't Ask Too Much From Strangers   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   

Be the Hammer - Make All Your Problems Look Like Nails

Having recently embarked on a vigorous campaign for our on-line business, I have encountered problems which have seemed insurmountable. Since embracing social media is imperative for any contemporary marketer, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have become fairly simple tools to use but when I began several months ago, they seemed impenetrable.

Similarly, the newer viral marketing requires discarding old habits which no longer work, re-learning methods of traffic acquisition and message design. The constants are learning both as noun and a verb. Google key words have become so expensive that for many of us, they are no longer viable for our small businesses.

How do we handle all this change which can seems chaotic?

Here are some techniques which have worked for me.

Create a plan. Sure, it may sound too simple but that is the only way to make a path through the chaos. The alternative is to flit from one activity to another wasting valuable time and energy. Devise the list of the most important activities which can potentially result in desired results- for me, that is increased traffic and customers. Share the list with your partners to assure that you are all on the same page; in environments of great change like that of on-line marketing in 2012, it is dangerously tempting for a team members to run off in different directions resulting in wasted money and time. Prevent that through frequent and clear communication among all your partners. Learn patience. Once again, this is so easy to say but so incredibly important. Take frequent breaks for exercise, and fun. Celebrate accomplishments. Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Don't Ask Too Much From Strangers   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   Mass Mailing: Success Oriented Advertising Solution   

E-Mail Marketing - Factors That Enable Effective Implementation

The objective of marketing is to reach potential customers and win them to the advantage of your business. Email marketing is an important aspect of the Internet marketing plan. Let us discuss the factors that make email communication more effective.

Email marketing is one of the most effective IM strategies Email marketing has emerged as one of the most powerful strategies in Internet marketing. This involves sending individual messages to each customer and get inputs therefrom later. It is a means to strike a relationship between seller and the buyer. As emails can be targeted personally, it is easy to reach the customers.

How to make it effective? Having recognized that email marketing is an effective tool in Internet marketing, you should use techniques to make it more effective.

To make this strategy more effective, personalize your emails. Use software that enables you to send mass emails. Include personal details such as name, address of your company, etc. Ensure that you give a clause saying that the email sent to you is not a spam generated by computer. Following are furthermore details given out on effective implementation of email marketing.

E-mails should be readable Important aspect of email marketing is the content therein. The content should be prepared focusing on the buyers needs. It should be relevant and intelligible to the buyer. The language of the text should be easy-to-understand, engaging and concise. There should not be any errors in grammar or punctuation. If you furnish any image in the mail, it should be relevant to the product/service that you are marketing.

Use a trustworthy sender name Your email should reflect your genuine interest in the customers and your desire to extend the relationship with them. For your customers to feel that you are genuine, you need to appear trustworthy and reliable. For this, you need to give information in your email that is authentic and verifiable. One of the sure ways of gaining the confidence of your customers is to have a trustworthy sender's name in your email. The email should detail the personnel (sender) involved in the business. Information pertaining to the company/person should be furnished in the email to enable cross checking, if anyone needs.

Subject should summarize the content The subject of the email should state the essence of the message in the email text body. Otherwise, people may not be interested either to open the mail or read it. The subject should also let the reader know what actually the email contains in its body.

It's not worth if your emails go in to spam/junk folder If the email you have sent gets dumped in the spam/junk folder, it will lose the attention from the potential buyers. Mention a request to make the email from your company/business to go neither to the junk nor the spam folder.

Make the links appear different While sending emails, let the prospective buyer have a glimpse of your business website or the specific landing page. Furnish the relevant links. While doing so, present the links in colored and underlined text to make it easy to locate. The link is generally presented in blue. The underlining is for showing that they are links. Further, keep the links separate from the text and in a white space to emphasize their importance.

Don't trap links in images If you send images in the emails, ensure that they are clear enough and not blurred. Further, do not furnish links, if any, in the image itself. This makes the image disfigured, especially when zoomed. It may cause readers/users to skip the mail. Excessive flashy images may annoy the readers outright.

Limit link density to drive clicks Do not present too many links in the email in one go. Such emails may be rendered as junk by ISPs. The links should be relevant to the product/service marketed alone. Links not related to the content in the mail should be avoided. Further, adding links that are related only to the product/services, discounts, offers, etc., presented in the email, would lead to the probability of increased click-through action.

Take help of experts in the field Email marketing is a highly specialized work involving expertise. It is, therefore, sensible to take the aid of experts in the field. Research the Internet for the purpose. There are numerous Internet marketing companies present in the online market space. You can find the price most suitable to you and hire them for your business.

Provided these points are followed scrupulously, businesses can leverage email marketing as a powerful tool of Internet marketing.

Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   

Hire Sellerdeck Developer Experts to Achieve Your Business Goals and Beyond

Actinic have rebranded their popular eCommerce service as SellerDeck. If you are interested in getting your traditional business online or improving an existing online business then SellerDeck developer services can help you.

These specialist eCommerce solutions developers will be able to help you choose the right platforms and software packages to get your business online.

Hiring the Experts

When you run a business you will know how important it is to become an expert in your field. Being a 'jack of all trades' is often not an advantage as the risk is you can do everything adequately, but not well enough to beat competitors that do specialise. People will want to see value for money and this is why they will want to see a professional brand image that fills them full of confidence.

- If you are not an expert in eCommerce then it makes sense to seek advice and help from someone who is.

- There are many excellent SellerDeck developer services available online. These developers have taken the time to become experts in their fields.

- This means they can provide you with specialist advice and support to create engaging and functional eCommerce websites for your online business.

- This will give you a powerful base for your online business and give you the best chance to achieve and even succeed your business goals

SellerDeck Developers

SellerDeck is a leading eCommerce platform. It does take a lot of skill and experience to make the most of this comprehensive software platform. It makes sense to hire SellerDeck developer services that are already trained and experienced in the software.

- Most businesses outsource their eCommerce requirements to expert SellerDeck developer services these days.

- This saves a lot of time and money and makes more effective use of company resources. This also ensures that you can benefit from the real experts skills and expertise to get a highly competitive online web business that stands out from the crowd.

- SellerDeck enables businesses to reach out to customers online and sell products and services effectively.

- This combines a seamless order selection, payment processing and fraud detection process for online purchasing.

- Over 5,000 online merchants use the award winning SellerDeck software every day to operate online and this provides you with an eCommerce system you can trust.

- This equates to over £10 billion worth of online transactions every year from successful online eCommerce websites.

- SellerDeck developer services can create unique and individual eCommerce websites for your business.

- These can ensure that your business stands out online and attracts the right customers to your webstore.

- SellerDeck offers plenty of opportunity for growth in the future. This means your developer can ensure your website grows with you as your business increases into the future.

Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   Don't Ask Too Much From Strangers   How To Ensure Every Website Visitor Becomes A Subscriber   

Using Opt-In Email Marketing For Your Website

If you're into opt-in email marketing, then you are taking a big step in the right direction towards making money with your product. You can do all kinds of things with an email list, and it's something that you should seriously consider if you want to blow the lid off your sales and profits.

Now when building up your email list, you need traffic. I generally recommend my clients to test the niche out by using some cheap pay per click marketing (PPC), and see if their squeeze page is collecting subscribers. If it isn't, then I recommend going into a different niche where the opt-in rate is high.

What is a good opt-in rate? Well in my opinion, anything between 20% and 40% are good rates. You can easily achieve this with advertising and free marketing - especially if you're in a small niche. You could takeover the niche and be perceived as the obvious expert in your market.

One of the things that you will want to do once you start building up your list is to keep them engaged. Offer them immense amounts of content that can help them achieve a goal or solve a problem. A few ways to keep them engaged is by offering them a blog, a forum, some articles on your site... and even encourage them to email you back in each email that you send out.

People will definitely email you back and engage in communications with you. They want to know some answers to the basic questions that they have. And sometimes, your answer will be so complex that you will just have to recommend that they purchase your course to get all of the answers that they are looking for.

Now to do all of these things, you need traffic... lots of targeted website traffic. Now this is an easy thing to do. There's always advertising, I'm sure you already know that. And there's also free marketing. There are a ton of free marketing strategies that you can use to take your business to the next level. A few of my favorite are blogging, article marketing, forum marketing, and video marketing.

You will have to test and see which options work best for your business. All of these ways can bring you the traffic you need to grow your list exponentially. The only drawback of free marketing is that it can take a while for it to really come into fruition for you.

However, the allure of earning 100% free profits is something that is enticing also. But this 100% free profits can be used to offset the costs of acquiring a new customer. So I highly recommend doing it. And they don't take a lot of time to implement.

Hopefully you will use opt-in email marketing in your business, because it can be a source of guaranteed profits for you. And this is especially true when it comes to backend marketing - but I'll reserve that topic for another day.

Good luck with using email marketing to earn more money in your online business today.

Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Don't Ask Too Much From Strangers   

The Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

When you're writing an email marketing message, the subject line of the message is the most important part of the email. The subject line of your email message carries the exact same duties as the headline of your sales letter, it's a "mini advertisement" to get the reader to open the email message and read the rest of your "ad". If your subject line doesn't grab the reader, he will never read the actual email message. Therefore, your subject line has to really grab their attention or arouse their curiosity!

To do this, you need to use a subject line that informs the reader of a great benefit waiting for him in the message, or reveals to him how to solve a problem.

You can also use the method of arousing curiosity by using a subject line that is a little vague, that tempts the reader to find out more about the subject if he opens the email and reads the message. Whether you use the "benefit" method or the "curiosity" method, the main idea here is to get the reader to open the email. That's all. Your main goal right now is to get the reader to open the email.

Be honest!

Don't exaggerate on your statements and never lie. Email marketing is based on trust and building a long-lasting relationship with your customers. If start off the relationship by making false statements, you will not get very far before people un-subscribe themselves from your list.

Note: Sometimes, even when your statement is honest and real, you may have to water it down a little bit if it sounds too good to be true. For example, just because you caught 100 fishes the first day out with your new "magic lure" does not necessarily mean you should state that in your subject line. It may not sound "unbelievable" despite the fact that it actually happened.

Do not use "symbols" on any part of your email message, especially your subject line. The symbols I'm referring to are asterisks (*), exclamation points (!), pound signs or dollar signs (#, $) and other such marks. Messages that use these characters are usually the first ones to get deleted since they are often viewed as by the reader as "spam". Also, avoid using hype, buzz words, or ALL CAPS. Such words may sound rude to certain type of people and ultimately the aim is to capture the attentions of many readers as possible.

Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   

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